Easter Week Schedule

Saturday, April 1st—The Passion of the Christ 10 am Starmax Theater. We have rented the Starmax movie theater in Vandalia to watch The Passion of the Christ at 10 am. It will last two hours. No cost, donations accepted. Consider preparing for Holy Week by watching this portrayal of the Passion and Death of Jesus.

Sunday, April 2nd—Palm Sunday. Catholics carry blessed palm branches into church with them in remembrance of when Jesus entered Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-11). The story of Jesus’ death and his Passion, are read as the Gospel.

April 4th—Chrism Mass 6:30 pm at the Cathedral with Bishop Paprocki. During the Chrism Mass, the Oil of the Sick (used during the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick), the Oil of Catechumens (used during the Sacrament of Baptism), and the Chrism oil (Confirmation and Ordination) are consecrated by the Bishop. The priests of the diocese renew their priestly promises. After Mass, the oils are distributed to representatives of each parish. The oils are taken back to the parishes and used for the Sacraments.

April 6th–Holy Thursday 7 pm St. Joseph’s in Ramsey. Holy Thursday is the first day of the Triduum, the most sacred days of the Catholic faith. It commemorates the Last Supper celebrated by Jesus and his disciples on the Jewish holiday of Passover. During this Mass, the priest may wash the feet of some members of the parish in memory of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples. Jesus also instituted the Eucharist and the Priesthood during the Last Supper. Following mass, there will be a holy hour, so please plan on staying to pray.

April 7th Good Friday—Stations of the Cross at noon in Ramsey, with Good Friday Service 7 pm in Vandalia. Good Friday commemorates the day Jesus died. On this day we fast and abstain from meat in penitence and recall the Passion of the Lord.

April 8th Easter Vigil 8 pm Mother of Dolors: The Easter Vigil is the Mass celebrated on Holy Saturday commencing the Easter celebrations of Jesus’ resurrection. It begins with a bonfire outside of the church, followed by several scripture readings, and the baptism of the Elect. We will have three young parishioners baptized this Easter Vigil. Please pray for them and wish them well!

Easter Sunday: 8 am St. Joseph, 10 am Mother of Dolors: Easter Sunday is a continuation of the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, that He died for our sins and rose from the dead so that we could share eternal life with him in heaven.

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